Columbus, Ohio


Live Your Calling. Start by writing it down.

Reflecting on Master Artie Wu's healing work in my personal life years later.
1 min read

Chanda Hunter: A Storytelling Panda

Chanda Hunter might be walking around daily on three hours of sleep, but don’t be fooled; she can create the space within to connect with your soul to authentically listen and then tell your story. She can tell your story because she’s passionate about her own story.
4 min read

Whiteboards at Tiny Manor

Reflecting on why I keep whiteboards handy wherever I live, work and play
1 min read

Addressing Domestic Poverty in Test City, U.S.A.

"If it works here, it'll work everywhere." And that includes putting entrepreneurship in every classroom starting here in Test City, U.S.A. Our hope is to generate more entrepreneurs who will break out of the cycle of poverty and then work to use those resources to help their communities.
3 min read