
David All
Members Public

HACKAROO: A Civic Hack, A Model for Civic Innovation

Hackaroo's are half-day events focusing on multi-disciplinary teams learning about emerging tech capabilities and applying it to a well-defined problem. The goal is to create high-fidelity ideas to pitch instead of technical products.

David All
Members Public

Brand Philanthropy and Web3: A Match for Social Impact

In our latest story on Proof of Change, our podcast hosted by Ash Cooper Kerns, we explore the powerful match between Brand Philanthropy and Web3 technology in the world of social impact NFT projects. Listen and subscribe for free on Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts of wherever you get

David All
Members Public

Why I Returned to Washington, DC

I left to find out about love. I'm returning to put love back as the driving force for change.