Last month our community of 1,700 small businesses, startups and independent creators raised their voice about how TikTok empowers them to connect more deeply with their customers. Now, #RAISEYOURVOICE.
Last month – prior to the US House of Representatives voting overwhelmingly to force TikTok to disband or divest – I published a media statement on behalf of the 1,700 small businesses, startups and independent creators in the FOUND3R community. After the House vote, members from our community stepped forward and raised their voice on why TikTok empowers small businesses. Later, TikTok US's CEO created a video where he spent time focusing on the small business message – a message that we first articulated through the voice of our members.
Yesterday I was meeting with Mount Purpose organizers and partners to plan our upcoming Health in America luncheon storytelling series at National Press Club and I saw a billboard underscoring the message first amplified by FOUND3R's membership regarding the important benefits of TikTok to empower small businesses in America.
I was inspired to create a short video message for my TikTok community, #RAISEYOURVOICE. I have also published the video story below.
If you're a small business owner, startup founder or independent creator, Raise Your Voice on this issue by finding contact information for your Member of Congress and US Senator and then putting a phone call. Your story matters and your voice will be heard.